What is teenage pregnancy?

 Growing up, my mother never wanted or liked it when I played or hung out with boys. She explained that she wished me to grow up with a dislike of boys when I questioned her about it and this was because one of her greatest fears was that I will become pregnant at a young age. She genuinely made me believe  that hanging out with or having a male friend was bad and this brings us to our topic at hand, Teenage Pregnancies.

Source:  https://images.app.goo.gl/jtr21rNNPCpZpmrq7  

What is a teenage pregnancy?🤔

Well, teenage pregnancies refers to the young ladies, between the ages of 13 and 19, who become pregnant before reaching formal adulthood. 

According to the University of British Columbia , besides the obvious reason of having unprotected sex, Teen pregnancies can be caused by the reasons below:

Many young individuals are dependent on alcohol and other drugs, which impair the brain's capacity for logical thought and other cognitive functions. This raises the likelihood that they will engage in unprotected sexual activity, which could result in an unintended pregnancy. 

Other reasons can also be peer pressure and sexual abuse.

The Namibian states that statistics indicate that from 2010 to 2022, there were over 160 800 teenage pregnancies in the nation. They also show that the teenage pregnancy rate is higher than the rate at which students progress to tertiary education. Teenage pregnancy is not just one of the biggest problems we have in Namibia, it's also turned into a health problem. Due to the additional strain that reproduction places on a developing body, it is regarded as a high risk event. Not only that,  early pregnancy can also have physical, physiological, economic, and social effects on a girl. Reality is that even though we really wish to stop or reduce teenage pregnancies, we can't do much because we have no control over it.


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