How early or teenage pregnancies affect health




                                            Source: Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy would undoubtedly result in health issues because the girl's body is not yet fully developed or mature enough to support or bear a pregnancy.

According to the World Health Organization, Eclampsia, a serious medical disorder that combines high blood pressure with an abundance of protein in the urine, is more likely to affect teenage moms. Additionally, they have an increased likelihood of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension, a type of high blood pressure. Furthermore, teenage mothers are more likely to have systemic infections and Puerperal endometritis. 

The pregnant teen is affected by these health issues or dangers, and she might need to take medicine to manage her symptoms. However, they can also interfere with the development of the unborn child and cause further pregnancy problems like early birth, low birth weight, and serious neonatal conditions.

I really wish that teenagers could learn about all the health issues associated with early pregnancy so that they may be more cautious and wise in their choices.


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