
Can we really curb teenage pregnancies?

                                                                                                Source: Preventing teenage pregnancy   The question is, can we really prevent teenage pregnancy? Personally, I feel like like, although we sincerely want to limit or eliminate teenage pregnancies, there is only so much that can be done because this is something that is out of our control. However, we cannot overlook the reality that there are steps we can take to prevent teenage pregnancy. A thorough strategy that takes into account the social, economic, and cultural elements that contribute to the problem is needed to stop teenage pregnancy. The following tactics can be successful in preventing teen pregnancy: Comprehensive sex education: Providi...

How early or teenage pregnancies affect health

                                                                                                                                            Source: Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy would undoubtedly result in health issues because the girl's body is not yet fully developed or mature enough to support or bear a pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization, Eclampsia, a serious medical disorder that combines high blood pressure with an abundance of protein in the urine, is more likely to affect teenage moms. Additionally, they have an increased likelihood of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension, a type of high blood pressur...

Social and economic effects of teenage pregnancies

                                                                                                                                                                                             Source: Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy can have social and economic effects on both the individual and society as a  whole.  As established earlier, teenage pregnancy forces teenage moms to leave school , which limits their ability to pursue higher education and obtain well-paying professions. This may have long-ter...

Teenage Pregnancies affects academics.

                                                                                    Source: Girls who receive an education are better equipped to make decisions and to support themselves financially. Early pregnancy, however, puts girls' ability to complete their schooling at risk. Due to expulsion from schools, personal reasons like having to care for their children or being stigmatized by family, friends, and communities, teenage pregnancy and childbearing can cause girls to drop out of school. (The World Bank, 2022) Teachers  stated that there is a significant difference between a learner's academic performance before and after pregnancy because pregnant students miss a lot of school-related activities like lessons, homework,...

What is teenage pregnancy?

 Growing up, my mother never wanted or liked it when I played or hung out with boys. She explained that she wished me to grow up with a dislike of boys when I questioned her about it and this was because one of her greatest fears was that I will become pregnant at a young age. She genuinely made me believe  that hanging out with or having a male friend was bad and this brings us to our topic at hand, Teenage Pregnancies. Source:   What is a teenage pregnancy?🤔 Well, teenage pregnancies refers to the young ladies, between the ages of 13 and 19, who become pregnant before reaching formal adulthood.  According to the University of British Columbia , besides the obvious reason of having unprotected sex, Teen pregnancies can be caused by the reasons below: Many young individuals are dependent on alcohol and other drugs, which impair the brain's capacity for logical thought and other cognitive functions. This rai...