Social and economic effects of teenage pregnancies




                                           Source: Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy can have social and economic effects on both the individual and society as a  whole. 

As established earlier, teenage pregnancy forces teenage moms to leave school , which limits their ability to pursue higher education and obtain well-paying professions. This may have long-term economic consequences as teenage mothers are more likely to live in poverty and rely on government support. Also because the costs connected with teenage pregnancy, such as those for healthcare, education, and social services, are frequently covered by tax payers and can put a burden on public resources, the individual effects of teenage pregnancy may also have economic consequences for society at large.

According to a student at the University of Nevada, teenage pregnancy can also have social consequences, particularly in communities where teenage pregnancy is stigmatized. Teenage mothers may face social isolation and discrimination, which can affect their mental health and well-being. They may also face challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships with peers, partners and family members.


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